Sara McInally was over the maintenance and safety of all of the Internal Affairs Offices in Wellington. Her office was located in the Archives Building where we work. She was 28 and seemed to have her life in complete order. She had a PhD, had a great job and had just purchased her first home. Don always loved to see her in the morning with her matching coat and hat and she always was very friendly and full of life. We saw her on Thursday, September 13th when she came to check to see if we had a fire extinguisher and when we didn't she joked and said, "Well don't start any fires until we can get this fixed." Life changed drastically on Sunday, September 16th at a little before 10:00 in the morning. Sara went to the Internal Affairs Office located on Lambton Quay and went to the roof and jumped to her death from the 12th floor. We are still trying to figure out why she would have taken her life. She will always be remembered.
September 16, 2012